A Return To Structural Dissociation
dissociation Rose Parker dissociation Rose Parker

A Return To Structural Dissociation

I’ve talked previously in my content about my experiences with Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID), particularly of my experiences as an Integrated System. The past couple of months I have been exploring my remaining Structural Dissociation/Fragments further, Fragments that I had previously not been aware of, and it is has been fascinating. This has been in tandem with a course project that I have been working on for one of my Graduate classes on Attachment Trauma and Systems Theories. My journey did not begin voluntarily, but rather as a necessity as Dissociative Symptoms began intruding on my life again. Before we dive into more recent events, let’s go over my experiences with DID proper…

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Having An Eating Disorder Within The Context Of Schizophrenia & DID

Having An Eating Disorder Within The Context Of Schizophrenia & DID

Trigger Warning: Discussion of Eating Disorder, Child Abuse, Bullying, Delusional Thinking, and Self Harm

This week marks National Eating Disorder Awareness Week for 2022. Eating Disorders have been found to be more common among Schizophrenia Spectrum patients, with an association between Binge Eating and Antipsychotic usage (Sankaranarayanan et al, 2021). I personally struggled with various forms of Disordered Eating (DE) and acute phases of Eating Disorders (ED) for about 10 years, from the ages of 11-21. My experiences were related to my Schizophrenia, as well as the Dissociative Identity Disorder I experienced at the time.

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Accepting The Traumatized Self
Rose Parker Rose Parker

Accepting The Traumatized Self

What do you do with emotions that challenge your sense of self, sentiments that feel alien but are nonetheless yours? As someone who has experienced Delusions for years, this is not a foreign sensation, but my current predicament is more disturbing than any Delusion has been in many years, as the origin of the emotions is not Psychotic.

Let me explain.

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