Do I Finally Have A Healthy Relationship With Food? Reflections On A Reparative Experience
eating-disorder, dissociation, did, travel, trauma Rose Parker eating-disorder, dissociation, did, travel, trauma Rose Parker

Do I Finally Have A Healthy Relationship With Food? Reflections On A Reparative Experience

Trigger Warning: Eating Disorders, Bullying, Child Abuse

I have had a difficult relationship with food most of my life. From approximately the ages 11-21 I struggled with various Eating Disorders and sub-clinical Disordered Eating, going through periods of Restriction, Binge-Purging, & Bingeing. My Eating Disorder can be traced back to my Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) & early life Trauma;

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Accepting The Traumatized Self
Rose Parker Rose Parker

Accepting The Traumatized Self

What do you do with emotions that challenge your sense of self, sentiments that feel alien but are nonetheless yours? As someone who has experienced Delusions for years, this is not a foreign sensation, but my current predicament is more disturbing than any Delusion has been in many years, as the origin of the emotions is not Psychotic.

Let me explain.

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