Angels & The Aurora Borealis; Or, The Crossover Of The  Supernatural & Psychosis

Angels & The Aurora Borealis; Or, The Crossover Of The Supernatural & Psychosis

The hour is late and the moon is full. I have driven alone with my tour guide, an energetic old man, to the isolated low hills near Keflavik International Airport. On one side of the “road”, over the horizon is a huge full moon, one of biggest & brightest I have ever seen; on the other is us & our setup, and a small pond. We are trying to see & photograph the Aurora Borealis

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October Ghosts

October Ghosts

Trigger Warning: Suicide, Eating Disorder, Unreality, Bullying Discussion

The wind blows gently, causing yellow leaves to dance and swirl as they drop from maple trees. The blistering heat and oppressive humidity of the summer season have left and autumn has finally reached the mid-Atlantic. When I was a child, fall felt like new beginnings, more New Year than New Year’s Day. There was always a strong Hope in me that this would be the school year that I would find my Forever Friends, that I would be accepted, that the torment would stop—and each year my hopes were vanquished. Halloween was a high point for my young Schizotypal self, I loved imaginary play deeply, engaging in it longer than many of peers, and Halloween was a vivd, immersive experience for me.

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Spirituality & Schizophrenia: Where Lines Blur & The Fabric Breaks

Spirituality & Schizophrenia: Where Lines Blur & The Fabric Breaks

Trigger Warning: Heavy Discussion Of Religion & Spirituality, Discussion of Suicidal Ideation

I have Schizophrenia, and as I have discussed extensively here & on my other platforms, my life has filled with extraordinary as well as extreme experiences beyond normal reality. Throughout my life, going back to early childhood—just as my Schizophrenia does—are experiences of the Transcendental & the Sublime, experiences that straddle the line between Unreality & Beyond Reality

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Pride Month Confessions
first-person, lived-experience, pride, LGBTQ, LGBT Rose Parker first-person, lived-experience, pride, LGBTQ, LGBT Rose Parker

Pride Month Confessions

Pride Month always brings up difficult feelings for me. It is not a time that I find Happy or particularly Validating, and as a Content Creator I feel put in a difficult position during this time. But why? Why do I find this an uncomfortable and challenging time, when for others it feels Easy? I decided to take a couple of days to force myself face these demons, at least in part, and here is my reflection…

I have, at various points in my life, identified as: Asexual, Biromantic Asexual, Homoromanitc Asexual, Lesbian, Bisexual, Demigender, Genderfluid, Bi-Gender, Non-Binar , Cisgender Woman, & Queer. My sexuality, as I currently understand it, tends to be fluid…

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When The Glass Shatters: What Happens When The Delusion Breaks

When The Glass Shatters: What Happens When The Delusion Breaks

TW: Substance Use, Abuse/Bullying, Surveillance, Religious Delusions, Suicidal Ideation, Skin Picking Mention

The drop felt like release from an oxygen high. I felt Dissociated, dizzy, staring at my phone in a daze. For over 10 years I’d had this Delusion, and in one minute it had been definitively proven false.

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